+7 Sailing Trip
An adventure can not be an adventure if you know what is going to happen along the way. Today's adventure involves no wind. Position virtually unchanged from yesterday. A little "no wind" vortex. There are more lined up. They are in a "no wind vortex" corridor. Position report is SF5 5/13/07 594 mi 135 mi 96:00:00 256° true N34 16.590 W132 02.711 SF6 5/14/07 658 mi 63.7 mi 120:00:00 254° true N34 01.396 W133 06.903 SF7 5/15/07 704 mi 46.3 mi 144:00:00 265° mag N34 08.251 W133 54.650 They seem to be doing pretty well. Sounded good. But no wind makes it hard. 10kts barely moves the boat. 25kts is best. But the wind they do have is right out of the south west so they can not make much headway. They thought about a tack but that would take them backwards and a full day of sailing would not get them out of the weather pattern they are in. There is a difference between what the forecasts report and what they are seeing. Mostly the fo...
Be safe and we'll be monitoring your progress. See you soon!
Paco & Pat