The boys ( Graham, Brian and Des) took off today. They passed under the Golden Gate Bridge at about 9:00 p.m. experiencing some good winds and we believe the first rough water relatively speaking. Got two phone calls. One from Brian as Graham was learning how to sail the boat when the wind was actually blowing and one from Graham when Brian, the delicate one, was in the weather and it was too cold for Graham to go outside to get a reading on Lat and Long. It was close to the golden gate bridge so... close enough. The plan is to sail north-west a little to clear the land mass and get some true wind then head south for two days or so. After that they can turn left or right. They both said the boat is good and working well. The new life raft is very good and they are provisioned up. Should be a right hand turn. Next update will be Thursday at 6:00 pm by satelite phone. Text message only. We have to provide weather lookout. Good luck on that. It looks good from here. Not cold at...