+21 Sailing Trip

The story of the day was they caught that squid. No, not the giant one but a 3# squid. Had to throw it back as no one knew how to cook it up and with only shoyu for seasoning they thought it best to toss it back avoiding the chance it was somehow related to the big one.
Everyone is doing well but the boredom of bobbing around is setting in. Still, they are getting closer to Maui and home.
Current location and status is:
5/26/07 207 mi 408:00:00 239° true N23 01.568 W147 33.864 670 mi
5/27/07 150 mi 432:00:00 265° true N22 48.763 W149 54.678 **520 mi
5/28/07 120 mi 456:00:00 256° true N22 22.515 W151 43.675 400 mi*
5/29/07 77.8 mi 480:00:00 256° true N22 05.482 W15254.171 327 mi* to Hon.
Winds are calm. There are no warnings except there will be even less wind this weekend.
Get out the fans.


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