+18 Sailing Trip

When last we joined the adventurers they were full of fish and heading for Maui in good 15 to 20 knot winds. That would be about 20 to 25 mph.
Our reporter sounded a little tired and even said that the predicted wind drop to 10 knots would be OK. They did catch a mahi and had it for breakfast.

Current location we are pretty sure but not absolutely certain is:
N23 01.58 W147 33.864. That means 201 miles covered in 25 hrs (they called in an hour earlier yesterday) and 672 miles to Honolulu.

Winds were predicted to drop on Sunday afternoon but look like they will hold through Monday. Should be another good day to cover some water. Exact position should be confirmed with tonights report. Still no warnings, just a High moving into the area in the next few days and corresponding wind drop.


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